Monday, November 07, 2011

Oh Portland...

I've conceded the fact that I will never be "up to date" with my blog.  So let's just let it be what it is... whatever that is.

Portland... oh Portland.  That's the type of thing you say about that friend you have that has such a unique personality and continues to show it in interesting ways.  Where do I even start with you Portland?

People don't GO at green lights in Portland
I cannot count the number of times I've seen a happy Portlander sitting at a green light.  What's even more "Portland" is the three guys sitting behind him thinking "no, it's cool, if he's not ready don't force it."

People don't wear shoes in Portland
Even at the symphony concert

People don't need to sacrifice anything to run a protest in Portland
They just pick up their shopping cart of belongings and move a couple blocks over to where the protest is going on.  If you have a free moment, do yourself a favor and google "occupy Portland."  I think it is more fascinating that "Occupy Wall St." myself.  I'm not going to blog on politics so I'll stop there.

Portland and me... we still get along.
Outside of all the Portlandish things going on, we've learned to love it in Portland.  Just like NYC, there's tons to do... you just have to drive a little more to do it.  Since last we've spoken there's so much you've missed!  Victoria B.C., Hurrican Ridge in the Olympic National Park, Silver Falls, the Japanese Garden, Eagle Creek, a Blackalicious concert, breweries, breweries, breweries, coffee, coffee, coffee, Voodoo Doughnut, Portland Symphony, sour beer, Multnomah Falls, Mount St. Helens.  It is definitely a different type of experience here.  The Pacific Northwest is SO beautiful.  There are endless places to explore and hike and be outdoors.  I'm gonna have to just sum it up by attaching photos from some of our tours.

Eagle Creek
Punchbowl Falls
Hurricane Ridge
Puget Sound
Black Bear
Olympic National Park
Butchart Gardens
Parliament Building in Victoria B.C.
One of many falls in Silver Falls
Mt. Saint Helens from Harry's Ridge


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