Sunday, May 22, 2011

NYC Part 7

Another week in NYC, another great NYC weekend.  From the zoo to underground Mexican restaurants, a good time was had by all (or... both).  Here's to not getting sick of each other :)

La Esquina
Guide to dining at La Esquina:

  1. Call three weeks to the day prior to make a reservation. Plan to place between 10 to 200 phone calls to get in touch with the hostess.
  2. When making the reservation, mention "The Hamptons" or else your reservation will be discarded.
  3. Show up at the unmarked door within the Corner Deli and speak with the lady with the walkie-talkie to be let in.
  4. Discreetly pass her a $20 bill if you want to be seated within an hour of your reservation.
  5. Wind down the stairs an through the kitchen to be seated at a poche bar for cocktails.
  6. Ask for extra ice to have your margarita laced with cocaine.
  7. Be seated in a very cool cellar-feeling atmosphere and order multiple super delicious small plate Mexican cuisines.
  8. Leave at least 25% tip or never be so lucky to get a reservation again.

Ok so they aren't all true... But all the odd-numbered steps are, and actually #8 may be true as well. We will find out soon. The hostess said we are "in the system" now and that will be "taken into account" next time we try to make a reservation... whatever that means.
I must say, the food was worth the hassle, and we topped it off with cheesecake across the street afterwords.

Walk in Central Park
What a great go-to plan around here. Saturday was a beautiful day so we took advantage of it by strolling through the park and trying to hit a few landmarks along the way.  We saw the former dwellings of Andy Warhol, Ulysses S. Grant, and Jackie Kennedy.

Saturday night was relaxed.  We got a taste of home using face time to see Kyle's fam for the belated birthday party.  Then we took advantage of our roof for the first time and had a glass of wine as we watched the cars on the Queensboro bridge.  Can't complain.  Oh yeah, except that my heart skipped a couple beats when I almost locked myself on the roof.  That could have been bad.
Bronx Zoo
We are starting to have to count down the number of weekends we might have left in NYC which plays into our planning for what to do each weekend. Even though the weather wasn't perfect we decided to make it a zoo day.
If nothing else I can say a lot more was alive at the zoo as compared to the museum of natural history. I agree with the reviews that this was a pretty good zoo. It wasn't gigantic like the San Diego zoo or anything, but it was set up pretty well and it was the right amount to cover in a half day visit. Here's a sampling I'd what we saw:

Peacocks were all over the place

Polar bear playing with a ball in the water!

Gorilla puking in his hand and then eating it again

Dylan's Candy Bar
Like woah.  After the zoo we went to Dylan's Candy Bar and it was somethin.  I felt like I was in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  

Cleveland Alert
Watch out Cleveland, because the Nomadic Newleyweds are making their first return visit this week.  We can't wait to see everyone!


At May 23, 2011 at 2:42 AM , Anonymous Alison said...

hahaha, MGM. Nice gorilla antics as well. And I'm impressed at the effort you're putting in to all the restaurants! Good job.

At May 23, 2011 at 9:54 AM , Anonymous mary said...

I can't wait to hear more about the underground restaurant. Looking forward to your F2F Cleveland visit. See you soon


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