Monday, June 27, 2011

Back to Cleveland!

Ok, so to start, some of you may be confused because I was just in Cleveland last week.  Well actually this post is covering the week of May 23rd.  I could just lump a bunch of weeks together, but I feel like that would be giving up and I REFUSE.  My goal is to write a blog post per week on this trip and I’m stickin to it!  So let’s see how much I remember…


One thing I’ll never forget is my sister’s son.  He’s like a nephew to me.  He’s the first grandchild on both sides, so he basically roosts atop a pedestal as we all grovel over his cuteness and ability to walk, laugh, point and click like a dolphin (that one’s unique).  So “walk” was the new one this week.  When Kyle and I left, dude didn’t walk.  He could stand and “furniture surf” as some call it, but home boy couldn’t run around the house carrying a flag.  WOAH, he’s all grown up!  Time flies.

Parents’ House

So I didn’t FEEL homesick, but there must have been something that inspired me to stay with the rents when work would have paid for a hotel.  It was good though.  First, I was impressed by their amenities.  Since we all moved out it seems my parents have stopped spending money on diapers, backpacks, and college tuition and started spending money on new furniture and bathrooms.  Nice work!

Memorial Day Weekend

Kyle came back and met me in Cleveland Friday night, so we were lucky enough to have the whole weekend to spend with friends and family… and boy did we cover ground!  We hung out with her parents Saturday morning, and then headed to Chagrin Falls for the blossom time festival.  It was great to see so many of our friends and little ones there.  That evening we crashed Shirah and Michael’s party and got to see even MORE friends.  Woot.

Puttin’ a new dock in a bay

For just about a decade now, Memorial Day weekend has been synonymous with “dock weekend”.  Normally that means a bunch of burley men in swim trunks carrying dock sections, waverunner lifts and a boat lift into the not-so-warm-yet water.  This year it was “hey let’s build a new dock FIRST and THEN put it in the water!”  DOH.  That’s ok, the company was still good and after 2 months of being such a city slicker a little manual labor was good for me.

Good week… talk to you soon cause I have some catching up to do.


At June 28, 2011 at 4:03 PM , Anonymous Jackie Stimpert said...

Good memory! Hope you'll stay with us again sometime :)


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